Beautifully said. I find it both amusing and despair-inducing when people try to read Pete through their cynical, self-conscious, political agenda-driven Culture Wars Map. This requires the assumption that Pete is also cynical and self-conscious and politically agenda-driven. The reality is that he doesn’t even have the basics of these that would enable him to protect himself from those who do.
Being friends with Pete is equal parts asking in resigned despair “What the hell are you doing now and why did you think it was a good idea?” and just loving him for his huge heart.
I get closest to conveying this to people when I say to stop trying to locate him in a political framework and start seeing him in a humanistic philosophical one. The reason Pete is doing anything he is doing is because he is interested in it & wants to understand it. The reason Pete is doing anything in any particular place and with any particular people is because that’s where and who will allow him to do it. But that’s the intellectual thing & doesn’t get at the human side. There, I generally just think that I will listen to people bashing Pete for alleged bigotry when they show me that they have taken into their own homes even a fraction of the struggling humans of all identities that Pete has found on his travels due to his intense interest in and compassion for other individual humans.
(I have now been way too nice about the man so I shall add that he is also a crazy-making lunatic and if he is ever found dead with a teaspoon embedded in his jugular, it will be because he “edited” something I wrote or offered me life coaching advice).
"Being friends with Pete is equal parts asking in resigned despair “What the hell are you doing now and why did you think it was a good idea?” and just loving him for his huge heart." Is perfect.
Oh my goodness, Helen, you succinctly made the point I was aching to make but didn't want to expose myself, when you said "have taken into their own homes..."! I know next to no affluent US liberals who've done this, and I have lived from New York to California and for 30+ yrs in Midwest. Most of the time they pontificate and preach from their cosy perches high up on the socioeconomic ladder, and they sneer down their noses at working class people as well.
“It seems fair to conclude that Jewish organizations have uniformly advocated high levels of immigration of all racial and ethnic groups into Western societies and have also advocated a multicultural model for these societies.” — Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique
"if you looked at the world in a dissociated ideological way, where identity markers and words mean more than character and deeds." There is no better indicator of this disease than the comments in the New York Times and Washington Post where any questioning of or dissent with the identarian orthodoxy provokes instant deluges of baseless accusations of fascism, bigotry or worse.
Critical Race Theory as a Jewish Intellectual Weapon . . . by Edmund Connelly, Ph. D.
For me, it’s long been a given that CRT is linked to the social engineering of our “hostile elite,” which in the context of The Occidental Observer means powerful Jews and Jewish organizations who rule over America and much of The West.
The interview with Cindy is so touching. Someone finding validation in a natural way is more transformative and important than any application of some rule laid down by moral zealotry. You have proved your point in this post very well indeed!
This is fascinating and a very thoughtful and introspective piece. If only all people were willing to humbly consider the constructive criticism of others.
That said, I take issue with the substance, but not the sentiment of his comments. While yes, it is unkind and counterproductive to ridicule a human being for sincerely held identity beliefs or actions- like choosing to vax or not vax - ridiculing those who exploit others for their own selfish interests is not only appropriate but entirely effective.
This exercise satirizes the professors and social scientists who profit off the perceived victimhood of of intersectional groups just as politicians & race hustlers have for years preyed upon the basest instincts of the polity- greed, envy, lust & jealousy.
To these them, human beings aren’t precious individuals worthy of dignity and respect, they are simply commodities they exploit under the guise of “compassion and caring.”
In my opinion, there is no better use of satire and ridicule than to expose the utter hypocrisy of anyone who chooses to be a part of it and I truly applaud the efforts portrayed in The Reformers.
In the training video, the doctor asking "is it a he or a she?" is about biological sex which is important when providing medical care. Yet, the assistant decided to educate the doctor about "preferred pronouns", not to specify sex. Adorable.
One of the key players: an acclaimed DEI administrator named Arig al Shaibah. A self-described “racialized queer woman [and] immigrant settler of Arab-Yemeni descent” with a “critical race feminist consciousness about issues of gender-based violence and other intersectional social inequities,” al Shaibah was named to head up the EIO in 2018 as McMaster’s inaugural associate vice-president, Equity, and Inclusion.
Another key player: Hagar Akua Prah, wife of the above DEI official, and acting director of the sexual violence prevention department at the university. The following is not a parody, although it sure sounds like one: her master’s thesis consisted of a partially autoethnographic work that recounted her childhood in a small village in Ghana, her upbringing in southeastern Ontario, and her experiences navigating the “eurocentric, colonial, racist, sexist, and elitist norms” that she believes govern Canadian education.
Really, is this substantially different from Peter’s “parody”? Sad to say, in our deeply, dysfunctionally partisan society, no matter how gently you treat the leftist elites, they will scream bloody murder. Anyone who disagrees with them “deserves it”. Like it or not (I frankly hate it) this is where we are.
They really are beyond parody, you're right about this. I remember having a perspective similar to Boris early on while looking at the ideology. You have to be a bit mad and extremely motivated to reject it at the level I think you and I have because the propaganda campaign has been so effective. Your comment suggests you've looked at this deeply and I think a lot of people are still grappling with the idea this might be a positive extension of the civil rights movement. I've been through all the defenses and attacks now and there's never anything there. I have time for some of their descriptive enterprise but the prescriptions that follow are always vengeful and destructive.
I think the tacit assumption that “woke” merely extends the civil rights movement is a very damaging thing for our society; and I think it was very ingeniously crafted by them to use people’s better nature to sneak in a new order that is the opposite of the civil rights movement.
The salient thing about “woke” is that it’s built on a foundation of moral relativism, whereas civil rights rest on a platform of classical morality (natural rights, if you will). There truly is no overlap between the two. “Woke”, as a post-structuralist philosophy, reduces all human interaction to power, and assumes that anything done in the exercise of power by the “right” people, is moral. It’s really a lot like the justifications used by countries at war. I HOPE that your work, by using humor, can help expose some of this destructive force.
Humor is a powerful tool...and I believe the “woke” know this, and are trying to control it by using the concept of “punching down” to stop it. To an extent, all humor is making fun of something or someone. “Woke” moral relativism is absolutely fine with punching down on their enemies! But when someone else does it, the behavior magically becomes unacceptable.
In the 1970s, “All in the Family” probably did more to combat racism than a boatload of PSAs, lectures, and textbooks...because nobody wanted to be Archie Bunker. I think the humor in your film could serve an equally important purpose; make it so none of the viewers want to be “Archie”.
P.S. I think Peter’s humor is hilarious, and if we ever met, we would instantly “get” each other, but hey, most people don’t “get” me either.
Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics . . .
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
Now I am NOT saying Boris is a Progressive, But he may be Over Analysis the shot?
"the authors of the hoax are being shown in a bad light. They are being shown ridiculing the “victims” of woke ideology, laughing at the absurdity of their positions and scholarship."
IMO (freely given and worth ALMOST that much) People who buy into that Ideology NEED to be made fun of, ridiculed. Because their "Ideas"are in point of fact ridiculous.
Babylon Bee: Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
Boris really did have well made points. Check out the full comment on part four. I really don't want to discourage others levelling critiques like his because I wouldn't have thought about all this without his challenge. It's really useful. Thanks Boris if you're reading this.
What can I say? You're a much nicer person than I...setting the bar fairly low.
"… to make any progress against this woke ideology, it is important that at least some members of the minorities being “valorized/protected” by the woke ideology must themselves visibly reject it. This work (this video, or this hoax) can help advance that, but not if it is ridiculing those people (i.e. women, racial “minorities,” gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, trans-, polyamorous... etc.), as was repeatedly done by James and Peter in the earlier video segments."
And ridicule (ie pointing out just how shallow and silly progressive "ideas" are) is one way of doing this.
It is not a healthy society that is intolerant of satire and perhaps we should be worried by the suggestion that ideas should be put beyond the reach of parody. I do take the point that this can be misunderstood but the antidote to that can't be to condescend to that misunderstanding by refraining from humour. Also these are fake profiles and therefore part of the experiment to see how far credulity can be stretched by using the 'correct' terminology.
wow! i was feeling alot like Boris - -and maybe still am 🤔but.... reading theis piece (and seeing the clip) helped me really see much more clearly the game plan here. You forced me to rethink my own perspectives right arounf this paragraph "Identitarians reframe many of our natural instincts as culturally conditioned biases that ought to be consciously suppressed. ..." I still wonder what the point is of setting up this big gotcha -- and feels like you're just handing more ammo to the right that wants to deny altogether that we have problesm in our society etc.. BUT thx for helping me know that it's deeper than just that!
Critical Race Theory as a Jewish Intellectual Weapon . . . by Edmund Connelly, Ph. D.
For me, it’s long been a given that CRT is linked to the social engineering of our “hostile elite,” which in the context of The Occidental Observer means powerful Jews and Jewish organizations who rule over America and much of The West.
Beautifully said. I find it both amusing and despair-inducing when people try to read Pete through their cynical, self-conscious, political agenda-driven Culture Wars Map. This requires the assumption that Pete is also cynical and self-conscious and politically agenda-driven. The reality is that he doesn’t even have the basics of these that would enable him to protect himself from those who do.
Being friends with Pete is equal parts asking in resigned despair “What the hell are you doing now and why did you think it was a good idea?” and just loving him for his huge heart.
I get closest to conveying this to people when I say to stop trying to locate him in a political framework and start seeing him in a humanistic philosophical one. The reason Pete is doing anything he is doing is because he is interested in it & wants to understand it. The reason Pete is doing anything in any particular place and with any particular people is because that’s where and who will allow him to do it. But that’s the intellectual thing & doesn’t get at the human side. There, I generally just think that I will listen to people bashing Pete for alleged bigotry when they show me that they have taken into their own homes even a fraction of the struggling humans of all identities that Pete has found on his travels due to his intense interest in and compassion for other individual humans.
(I have now been way too nice about the man so I shall add that he is also a crazy-making lunatic and if he is ever found dead with a teaspoon embedded in his jugular, it will be because he “edited” something I wrote or offered me life coaching advice).
"Being friends with Pete is equal parts asking in resigned despair “What the hell are you doing now and why did you think it was a good idea?” and just loving him for his huge heart." Is perfect.
" This requires the assumption that Pete is also cynical and self-conscious and politically agenda-driven. "
You mean He's NOT! Well that's it I'm Officially Offended, and if this continues I may actually get Triggered!
Oh my goodness, Helen, you succinctly made the point I was aching to make but didn't want to expose myself, when you said "have taken into their own homes..."! I know next to no affluent US liberals who've done this, and I have lived from New York to California and for 30+ yrs in Midwest. Most of the time they pontificate and preach from their cosy perches high up on the socioeconomic ladder, and they sneer down their noses at working class people as well.
Thoughts on Britain’s “Rwanda Plan” . . .
“It seems fair to conclude that Jewish organizations have uniformly advocated high levels of immigration of all racial and ethnic groups into Western societies and have also advocated a multicultural model for these societies.” — Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique
"if you looked at the world in a dissociated ideological way, where identity markers and words mean more than character and deeds." There is no better indicator of this disease than the comments in the New York Times and Washington Post where any questioning of or dissent with the identarian orthodoxy provokes instant deluges of baseless accusations of fascism, bigotry or worse.
Critical Race Theory as a Jewish Intellectual Weapon . . . by Edmund Connelly, Ph. D.
For me, it’s long been a given that CRT is linked to the social engineering of our “hostile elite,” which in the context of The Occidental Observer means powerful Jews and Jewish organizations who rule over America and much of The West.
The interview with Cindy is so touching. Someone finding validation in a natural way is more transformative and important than any application of some rule laid down by moral zealotry. You have proved your point in this post very well indeed!
Thanks, Caroline. This healthy but messy ground level stuff will never show up in demographic analysis. A hard point to convey.
“I don’t joke about these things to be mean. I joke about them because they are *funny*.” -- Dave Chappell
"I have no free time because silence is complicity." Wildly funny!
This is fascinating and a very thoughtful and introspective piece. If only all people were willing to humbly consider the constructive criticism of others.
That said, I take issue with the substance, but not the sentiment of his comments. While yes, it is unkind and counterproductive to ridicule a human being for sincerely held identity beliefs or actions- like choosing to vax or not vax - ridiculing those who exploit others for their own selfish interests is not only appropriate but entirely effective.
This exercise satirizes the professors and social scientists who profit off the perceived victimhood of of intersectional groups just as politicians & race hustlers have for years preyed upon the basest instincts of the polity- greed, envy, lust & jealousy.
To these them, human beings aren’t precious individuals worthy of dignity and respect, they are simply commodities they exploit under the guise of “compassion and caring.”
In my opinion, there is no better use of satire and ridicule than to expose the utter hypocrisy of anyone who chooses to be a part of it and I truly applaud the efforts portrayed in The Reformers.
In the training video, the doctor asking "is it a he or a she?" is about biological sex which is important when providing medical care. Yet, the assistant decided to educate the doctor about "preferred pronouns", not to specify sex. Adorable.
“...Peter’s decision to make the fake identities over-the-top parodies of his coworkers was ...unnecessarily brash...”
At the risk of horrifying Boris et al., the biography he was laughing at was actually not “over the top” at all. I dearly wish it were!
Things are, in some cases, worse than people can imagine. Take a look at this unforgivable abuse of power scandal at a Canadian university, for example:
One of the key players: an acclaimed DEI administrator named Arig al Shaibah. A self-described “racialized queer woman [and] immigrant settler of Arab-Yemeni descent” with a “critical race feminist consciousness about issues of gender-based violence and other intersectional social inequities,” al Shaibah was named to head up the EIO in 2018 as McMaster’s inaugural associate vice-president, Equity, and Inclusion.
Another key player: Hagar Akua Prah, wife of the above DEI official, and acting director of the sexual violence prevention department at the university. The following is not a parody, although it sure sounds like one: her master’s thesis consisted of a partially autoethnographic work that recounted her childhood in a small village in Ghana, her upbringing in southeastern Ontario, and her experiences navigating the “eurocentric, colonial, racist, sexist, and elitist norms” that she believes govern Canadian education.
Really, is this substantially different from Peter’s “parody”? Sad to say, in our deeply, dysfunctionally partisan society, no matter how gently you treat the leftist elites, they will scream bloody murder. Anyone who disagrees with them “deserves it”. Like it or not (I frankly hate it) this is where we are.
They really are beyond parody, you're right about this. I remember having a perspective similar to Boris early on while looking at the ideology. You have to be a bit mad and extremely motivated to reject it at the level I think you and I have because the propaganda campaign has been so effective. Your comment suggests you've looked at this deeply and I think a lot of people are still grappling with the idea this might be a positive extension of the civil rights movement. I've been through all the defenses and attacks now and there's never anything there. I have time for some of their descriptive enterprise but the prescriptions that follow are always vengeful and destructive.
I think the tacit assumption that “woke” merely extends the civil rights movement is a very damaging thing for our society; and I think it was very ingeniously crafted by them to use people’s better nature to sneak in a new order that is the opposite of the civil rights movement.
The salient thing about “woke” is that it’s built on a foundation of moral relativism, whereas civil rights rest on a platform of classical morality (natural rights, if you will). There truly is no overlap between the two. “Woke”, as a post-structuralist philosophy, reduces all human interaction to power, and assumes that anything done in the exercise of power by the “right” people, is moral. It’s really a lot like the justifications used by countries at war. I HOPE that your work, by using humor, can help expose some of this destructive force.
Humor is a powerful tool...and I believe the “woke” know this, and are trying to control it by using the concept of “punching down” to stop it. To an extent, all humor is making fun of something or someone. “Woke” moral relativism is absolutely fine with punching down on their enemies! But when someone else does it, the behavior magically becomes unacceptable.
In the 1970s, “All in the Family” probably did more to combat racism than a boatload of PSAs, lectures, and textbooks...because nobody wanted to be Archie Bunker. I think the humor in your film could serve an equally important purpose; make it so none of the viewers want to be “Archie”.
P.S. I think Peter’s humor is hilarious, and if we ever met, we would instantly “get” each other, but hey, most people don’t “get” me either.
“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are nomenclatures for concealing the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . .
Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics . . .
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
"I have no free time because silence is complicity" is too funny not to crack up.
Genius line. I've worked with many professional comedians that aren't that sharp. It's more hilarious the more you think about it.
Peter also put it in there knowing that other grievance academics would take it in good faith, making the profile more credible lol.
Pete's a catalyst. Add him to any situation and wait for the chemical reaction.
Haha correct.
Makes all of us limiting reagents jealous :)
Now I am NOT saying Boris is a Progressive, But he may be Over Analysis the shot?
"the authors of the hoax are being shown in a bad light. They are being shown ridiculing the “victims” of woke ideology, laughing at the absurdity of their positions and scholarship."
IMO (freely given and worth ALMOST that much) People who buy into that Ideology NEED to be made fun of, ridiculed. Because their "Ideas"are in point of fact ridiculous.
Babylon Bee: Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
The Racist Club Trilogy
Boris really did have well made points. Check out the full comment on part four. I really don't want to discourage others levelling critiques like his because I wouldn't have thought about all this without his challenge. It's really useful. Thanks Boris if you're reading this.
What can I say? You're a much nicer person than I...setting the bar fairly low.
"… to make any progress against this woke ideology, it is important that at least some members of the minorities being “valorized/protected” by the woke ideology must themselves visibly reject it. This work (this video, or this hoax) can help advance that, but not if it is ridiculing those people (i.e. women, racial “minorities,” gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, trans-, polyamorous... etc.), as was repeatedly done by James and Peter in the earlier video segments."
And ridicule (ie pointing out just how shallow and silly progressive "ideas" are) is one way of doing this.
“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are nomenclatures for concealing the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . .
So touching I love Pete out really well Mike
He's an extremely lovable guy.
It is not a healthy society that is intolerant of satire and perhaps we should be worried by the suggestion that ideas should be put beyond the reach of parody. I do take the point that this can be misunderstood but the antidote to that can't be to condescend to that misunderstanding by refraining from humour. Also these are fake profiles and therefore part of the experiment to see how far credulity can be stretched by using the 'correct' terminology.
I like "the antidote to that can't be to condescend to that misunderstanding" here.
wow! i was feeling alot like Boris - -and maybe still am 🤔but.... reading theis piece (and seeing the clip) helped me really see much more clearly the game plan here. You forced me to rethink my own perspectives right arounf this paragraph "Identitarians reframe many of our natural instincts as culturally conditioned biases that ought to be consciously suppressed. ..." I still wonder what the point is of setting up this big gotcha -- and feels like you're just handing more ammo to the right that wants to deny altogether that we have problesm in our society etc.. BUT thx for helping me know that it's deeper than just that!
Love this. Thanks, James. Understand and expose - sums up the project. The rest we leave up to the gods.
Critical Race Theory as a Jewish Intellectual Weapon . . . by Edmund Connelly, Ph. D.
For me, it’s long been a given that CRT is linked to the social engineering of our “hostile elite,” which in the context of The Occidental Observer means powerful Jews and Jewish organizations who rule over America and much of The West.
Beautiful❣️ Thank you. 🙏🏻
It maybe worth noting that Ambrose Beirce defined Bigotry as "One who is obstinately and zealously attached to an opinion that you do not entertain."
I think that sums it up though the zealot is keen to force others to parrot the opinion or suffer consequences that are really just punishments.
Conversations like this can only be spoken by and understood by Americans. In the meantime.... You'll never get that time back.